Thursday, 5 April 2012

The New Romantics.

The next movment I looked into was that of the New Romantism that reached it’s peak in the 1980’s. This movemet focused upon it was based around flamboyant, eccentric fashion and New Wave music. Some of the bands that the press associated with this movement were Duran Duran, Spandau Ballet, Culture Club as well as Adam and the Ants.
This movement has been interpreted as a counter to the distressed anti-fashion punk rock style and a revival on glam rock. Another characteristic of New Romantics was where both sexes wore androgynous clothes and males often wore make-up which prompted the drug store boots to release a range of ‘make-up for boys’.

Duran Duran

This self-titeled album by durran duran released in 1981 depicts their connenction to the new romantic movement thorugh the imagery used. This press shot of the band y0u can clearly see the flamboyant clothing. The pint background may also e interpirted as flamboyant and it is a colour useually assiciated with femminineity.

The overall design is very minimlistic, using only a bands of colour  to acsent the image and typography. The typography is a simple block caps san serif font which is slightly itallised. The type and images work together well on this cover as with this style of music, the bands image was prodmoniant feature and therefore it is understandable for the photo take up most of the focus as oppsed to the type of the bands name.


This cover art for the single ‘visage’ by the band of the same name released in 1981 also relieas heavly on imagery. The image shows steve stange the fontman for the band dressed in the stlye formt the new romantic era. I feel that the typography and images do not work that well together, the type just feels as thought it was placed carelessly on the image. Though it is in a contrasing colour to the image it seems to get lost, although, as I aid previosly with this style of music it it the image that is of importance.
The typeface it’s self is quite pleasing it is a thin san serif that though it is block capitals the chatecters do sem to flow well together due to the conneting lines above and below almost framing the word.   

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